About Bamboo Leaf Tea
About Bamboo Leaf Tea

Bamboo Leaf Tea is made from 100% bamboo leaves grown and processed by hand in sunny Florida without the use of any chemicals.
Being a grass, bamboo is particularly good at assimilating minerals. It has the ability to uptake all of the minerals available to it and is uniquely capable through it’s bacterial and fungal partnerships to trade sugars for higher levels of minerals like potassium and silica.
Bamboo has the highest amount of vegetative silica of any plant. Ten times the amount of horsetail or nettles. It is what allows bamboo to grow so fast and strong and yet remain flexible. Silica has become the calling card of bamboo and really when you look at the bamboo plant it is silica. It is strength and flexibility. The tea also contains soluble fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
There are water soluble and fat soluble elements of the plant as well as other elements best extracted using other means. Here is a breakdown of some of the components in bamboo.
1- Silica
- Promotes hair growth and nail strength
- Building block of collagen – rejuvenates the skin
- Essential for bone growth and strength, has been shown to increase bone density
- Aids the body in eliminating aluminum
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system
- Supports white blood cell function
- Re-mineralizes and strengthens teeth and gums
- Strengthens cardiovascular system
- Re-builds muscle
2- Soluble Fiber
- Helps to regulate blood sugar
- Shown to lower LDL cholesterol
- Eases cravings and aids in weight loss
- Effective for IBS, ulcers, and other digestive issues
3- Water Soluble Vitamins
- B-1 Thiamine: important for nerve function
- B-2 Riboflavin: important for vision and skin
- B-3 Niaicn: important for the nervous system, digestive system, and skin
- B-5 Pantothenic Acid: important for production red blood cells
- B-6 Pyridoxine: important for making red blood cells, aids in producing melatonin, helps to reduce levels of homocysteine, and improve brain function
- B-9 Folic Acid: important for making DNA and red blood cells
- Vitamin C: anti-oxidant, building block of collagen, and supports immune function
4- Fat Soluble Vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin E
5- Minerals
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Calcium
- Iron
- Selenium
- Copper
- Zinc
- Silica
- Potassium
6- Phytonutrients
- Beta carotene
- Anthocyanins
- Company donates 1% to environmental projects.